Are your e-learning materials too dry and densely packed with information, making it difficult to generate engagement with your students? It doesn’t have to be that way.

At Chips and Toon, we believe that training and e-learning can be fun and engaging. Drawing on our animation expertise, we develop story-based materials designed to capture your audience’s attention and create a lasting impression!

Animated E-Learning Apps

We design and develop animated apps that energise the learning process. Using a story-based approach , our apps feature easy-to-follow narratives and built-in quizzes and games, offering multiple opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned. We make e-learning and training an adventure that trainees will want to embark on.

Interactive Animated Videos

Given the sensory stimuli that surrounds us all, it can be challenging to sustain audiences’ ever-decreasing attention spans. Chips and Toon can overcome this challenge with our entertaining animated training videos with interactive elements. Our experience in this field means we optimise the medium of animation to help you achieve your objective. This approach focuses your audience’s attention and helps them retain what they have learned.

Animated Training Video

Training doesn’t need to be a drag. We develop content incorporating relatable stories and scenarios to help your audience picture themselves in a range of relevant situations. Be it for an adult training institute or the training department of a multi-national corporation, Chips and Toon creates training videos that tell linear stories to clearly communicate objectives.

Why Choose

Passionate About Storytelling

We tell stories and are passionate about it – our content effectively weaves training objectives into compelling narratives.

Break Down Complex Information

We specialise in breaking complex and sophisticated information down into animated content that is engaging and easy to understand.

Multi – Platform Support

We create animated video content with interactive functions to facilitate e-learning and training, with multi-platform support.

Scalable Content

With different options to choose from, including adjustable levels of interactivity, we evaluate the type of content that best suits your needs.

At Chips and Toon, we engage audiences with fascinating stories, helping you craft bespoke training materials to get your message across.

Hold your audience,s attention
create a lasting impression with our materials!

About Chips and Toon

Chips and Toon is a Singapore-based animation studio, established in 2006. We aim to tell great stories; developing custom animated and interactive content for government agencies and private organisations alike is one of the ways we do this. Whether it’s e-learning for the classroom, corporate training for the boardroom, or messaging for your brand, we’ll help you break complex information down into accessible and entertaining content. At Chips and Toon, we believe the best way to convey a message is to spark an interest in the target audience, creating engagement. Guided by our passion for storytelling and equipped with years of animation experience, we engage our audience with appealing characters, interesting narratives and that vital dose of humour, developing media for a variety of platforms including web, mobile, print and TV.